Guide to Insurance company Ratings

Life Insurance Company Ratings Charts

Comdex Score & Ratings Database

State Guaranty Associtations

Best Rated Life Insurance Companies


Life Insurance Company Ratings are important because they are an indicator of an insurer’s ability to honor its commitments to its policyholders.

Insurance Co.STAM BestS&PMoody'sFitchWeissComdex
4 Ever Life Ins CoILA- (4)B (5)
5 Star Life Ins CoNEA- (4)C (8)
AAA Life Ins CoMIA (3)B (5)
AAA Life Ins Co of NYNYA (3)B (5)
Academe Inc.WANRU
Accordia Life & Ann CoIAA (3)A- (7)A (6)C (8)76
ACE Life Ins CoCTA- (4)C+ (7)
Advance Ins Co of KansasKSA (3)B+ (4)
Aetna Health & Life Ins CoCTA (3)A- (7)C (8)75
Aetna Life Ins CoCTA (3)A- (7)A2 (6)A (6)B (5)77
AGC Life Ins CoMOA (3)A+ (5)U82
Alfa Life Ins CorpALA (3)B- (6)
All Savers Ins CoINA (3)C (8)
Allianz Life Ins Co N AmericaMNA+ (2)AA (3)A1 (5)B- (6)94
Allianz Life Ins Co of NYNYA+ (2)AA (3)B+ (4)97
Allstate Assur CoILA+ (2)A2 (6)C+ (7)88
Allstate Life Ins CoILA+ (2)A+ (5)A2 (6)A+ (5)B (5)86
Allstate Life Ins Co of NYNYA+ (2)A+ (5)A2 (6)A+ (5)B- (6)86
Amalgamated Life & HealthILC (8)
Amalgamated Life Ins CoNYA (3)A (2)
Amer Natl Life Ins Co of NYNYA (3)A (6)B- (6)78
Amer Natl Life Ins Co of TexasTXA (3)A- (7)B- (6)75
American Bankers Life Assur CoFLA- (4)A (6)Baa1 (8)B- (6)60
American Benefit LifeOKB++ (5)C (8)
American Continental Ins CoTNA (3)C (8)
American Equity Invest LifeIAA- (4)A- (7)A- (7)B- (6)59
American Equity Invest Life NYNYA- (4)A- (7)B (5)53
American Fam Assur ColumbusNEA+ (2)A+ (5)Aa3 (4)AA- (4)93
American Family Life Assur NYNYA+ (2)A+ (5)AA- (4)A- (3)92
American Family Life Ins CoWIA (3)A+ (5)A+ (1)82
American Farm Life Ins CoTXB (5)
American Federated Life InsMSB (7)B- (6)
American Fidelity Assur CoOKA+ (2)B+ (4)
American Fidelity Life Ins CoFLB++ (5)B (5)
American General Life Ins CoTXA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)A+ (5)B (5)82
American Health & Life InsTXB++ (5)B- (6)
American Heritage Life Ins CoFLA+ (2)A (6)A (6)B (5)84
American Home Life Ins CoKSB++ (5)C- (9)
American Income Life Ins CoINA+ (2)AA- (4)A+ (5)B- (6)91
American Indep Network of NYNYNR
American Life & Security Corp.NEB++ (5)E+ (13)
American Life Ins CoDENRAA- (4)A1 (5)C (8)91
American Maturity Life Ins CoCTB- (6)
American Memorial Life Ins CoSDA- (4)A (6)B- (6)58
American National Ins CoTXA (3)A (6)B (5)78
American Public Life Ins CoOKA+ (2)B (5)
American Republic Corp Ins CoIAA- (4)C (8)
American Republic Ins CoIAA- (4)B- (6)
American Retirement Life InsOHA (3)C+ (7)
American United Life Ins CoINA+ (2)AA- (4)B+ (4)95
American-Amicable Life Ins TXTXA (3)C (8)
Americo Financial Life & AnnTXA (3)B- (6)
Ameritas Life Ins CorpNEA (3)A+ (5)B (5)83
Ameritas Life Ins Corp of NYNYA (3)A+ (5)B- (6)83
Amica Life Ins CoRIA+ (2)A- (3)
Ann Investors Life Ins CoOHA (3)A+ (5)A- (3)83
Anthem Life & Disability Ins CoNYA (3)B (5)
Anthem Life Ins CoINA (3)B+ (4)
Assurity Life Ins CoNEA- (4)B+ (4)
Assurity Life Ins Co NYNYA- (4)B (5)
Athene Ann & Life Assur CoDEA (3)A (6)A (6)C (8)78
Athene Ann & Life Assur NYNYA (3)A (6)A (6)C+ (7)78
Athene Annuity and Life Insurance CompanyIAA (3)A (6)A (6)C (8)78
Athene Life Ins Co of NYNYA (3)C (8)
Atlanta Life Ins CoGAC+ (10)D+ (10)
Atlantic Coast Life Ins CoSCB++ (5)C- (9)
Aurora National Life AssurCAC (8)
Auto Club Life Ins CoMIA (3)C (8)
Auto-Owners Life Ins CoMIA+ (2)B (5)
Automobile Club of Sthrn CA LifeCAA (3)B- (6)
AXA Corporate Solutions Life ReDEB+ (6)B (5)
AXA Equitable Life Ins CoNYA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)B+ (4)81
Baltimore Life Ins CoMDB++ (5)B (5)
Bankers Conseco Life InsNYA- (4)A- (7)A- (7)D (11)59
Bankers Fidelity Assur CoGAA- (4)C+ (7)
Bankers Fidelity Life Ins CoGAA- (4)C (8)
Bankers Life & Casualty CoILA- (4)A- (7)A3 (7)A- (7)D+ (10)62
Bankers Life Ins CoNCE (14)
Bankers Life of LouisianaLAA- (4)C (8)
Banner Life Ins CoMDA+ (2)AA- (4)AA- (4)C (8)94
Berkley Life & Health Ins CoIAA+ (2)A (2)
Berkshire Hathaway Life of NENEA++ (1)AA+ (2)C+ (7)100
Berkshire Life Ins Co of AmerMAA++ (1)AA+ (2)AA+ (2)B (5)99
BEST Life & Health Ins CoTXB+ (6)B+ (4)
Best Meridian Ins CoFLA- (4)B- (6)
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of KSKSA (3)B (5)
Blue Shield of CA Life & HlthCAA (3)A (6)B (5)78
Bluebonnet Life Ins CoMSA (3)A- (3)
Boston Mutual Life Ins CoMAA (3)B+ (4)
Brighthouse Life Ins CoDEA (3)A+ (5)A3 (7)A (6)B (5)78
Brighthouse Life Ins Co of NYNYA (3)A+ (5)C+ (7)83
Brooke Life Ins CoMIA+ (2)B- (6)
C M Life Ins CoCTA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa3 (4)AA+ (2)B (5)98
Capitol Life Ins CoTXB++ (5)C (8)
CareAmerica Life Ins CoCAB++ (5)U
Caribbean American Life AssurPRA- (4)B (5)
Caterpillar Life Ins CoMOU
Catholic Financial LifeWINR
Catholic Life InsTXA- (4)
Catholic Order of ForestersILA- (4)
Censtat Life Assur CoAZA- (4)
Central Security Life Ins CoTXD+ (10)
Central States H&L Co of OmahaNEA- (4)B (5)
Chesapeake Life Ins CoOKA- (4)A+ (1)
Chesterfield Reins CoMONRC (8)
Christian Fidelity Life Ins CoTXA- (4)A- (3)
Church Life Ins CorporationNYA- (4)B- (6)
Cigna Arbor Life Ins CoCTNRU
Cigna Health & Life Ins CoCTA (3)A (6)A2 (6)B (5)79
Cigna Life Ins Co of New YorkNYA w (3)A w+ (6)A- (3)78
Cigna National Health Ins CoOHA (3)B- (6)
Cigna Worldwide Ins CoDEA (3)A (6)B- (6)78
Cincinnati Equitable LifeOHB++ (5)D (11)
Cincinnati Life Ins CoOHA+ (2)A+ (5)A+ (5)C+ (7)89
Citizens Security Life Ins CoKYB++ (5)C (8)
Clear Spring Life Ins CoTXNRU
CMFG Life Ins CoIAA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)B- (6)81
Colonial Life & Acc InsSCA (3)A (6)A2 (6)A (6)C+ (7)78
Colonial Life Ins Co of TexasTXC- (9)
Colonial Penn Life InsPAA- (4)A- (7)A3 (7)A- (7)D+ (10)62
Colonial Security Life Ins CoTXD+ (10)
Colorado Bankers Life Ins CoNCE (14)
Columbian Life Ins CoILB++ (5)C (8)
Columbian Mutual Life Ins CoNYB++ (5)B (5)
Columbus Life Ins CoOHA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA (3)C+ (7)96
Combined Ins Co of AmericaILA+ (2)C (8)
Combined Life Ins Co of NYNYA+ (2)C+ (7)
Commencement Bay Risk Mgmt InsWAA (3)A- (3)
Commercial Travelers Life InsNYA- (4)B- (6)
Commonwealth Ann & LifeMAA (3)A- (7)A3 (7)A (6)B- (6)74
Companion Life Ins CoNYA+ (2)A+ (5)B- (6)91
Companion Life Ins CoSCA+ (2)B+ (4)
Companion Life Ins Co of CACAA+ (2)B (5)
Connecticut General Life InsCTA (3)A (6)A2 (6)A (6)B- (6)78
Conseco Life Ins Co of TexasTXU
Constitution Life Ins CoTXB+ (6)D (11)
Continental American Ins CoNEA+ (2)B (5)
Continental Life Brentwood TNTNA (3)C+ (7)
Cooperativa de Seguros de VidaPRC (11)
Cotton States Life Ins CoGANRA- (3)
COUNTRY Investors Life AssurILA+ (2)A- (3)
COUNTRY Life Ins CoILA+ (2)NRpiA+ (1)
Croatian Fraternal UnionPANR-5
Crown Global Ins Co of AmericaDEA- (4)E (14)
CSI Life Ins CoNEA+ (2)AA (3)B- (6)97
Dearborn National Life Ins CoILA (3)A+ (5)B+ (4)83
Dearborn Natl Life NYNYA (3)A+ (5)B+ (4)83
Delaware American Life Ins CoDEA (3)B+ (4)
Delaware Life Ins CoDEA- (4)BBB+ (8)C (8)52
Delaware Life Ins Co NYNYA- (4)BBB+ (8)B- (6)52
Direct General Life InsSCA- (4)C (8)
Eagle Life Ins CoIAA- (4)A- (7)B+ (4)53
Educators Life Ins of AmericaILU
ELCO Mutual Life & AnnILB (7)C+ (7)
Elips Life Ins CoMOA (3)C (8)
EMC National Life CoIAA- (4)B (5)
Empire Fidelity Investments LifeNYA+ (2)A+ (5)B+ (4)91
Employers Reassur CorpKSNRBBB+ (8)D (11)
Employers' Protective Ins CoHINRU
Enterprise Life Ins CoTXA- (4)B (5)
Equitable Life & CasualtyUTB+ (6)C- (9)
EquiTrust Life Ins CoILB++ (5)BBB+ (8)B- (6)41
Erie Family Life Ins CoPAA (3)B (5)
Everence Association IncINNR-5
Evergreen Life Ins CoTXU
Family Heritage Life of AmerOHA+ (2)B- (6)
Family Life Ins CoTXB+ (6)C (8)
Family Service Life Ins CoTXNRU
Farm Bureau Life Ins CoIAA (3)B+ (4)
Farm Bureau Life Ins Co of MIMIA (3)A- (3)
Farm Bureau Life Ins Co of MOMOA- (4)A- (3)
Farmers New World Life Ins CoWAA (3)B- (6)
Federated Life Ins CoMNA+ (2)A (2)
Fidelity & Guar Life Ins Co NYNYA- (4)BBB+ w+ (8)BBB+ w+ (8)B (5)57
Fidelity & Guaranty Life InsIAA- (4)BBB+ w+ (8)Baa2 (9)BBB+ w+ (8)C+ (7)59
Fidelity Investments Life InsUTA+ (2)A+ (5)A- (3)91
Fidelity Life AssociationILA- (4)C+ (7)
Fidelity Security Life Ins CoMOA (3)A- (3)
Fidelity Security Life Ins NYNYA (3)B+ (4)
First Allmerica Financial LifeMAA (3)A- (7)A3 (7)A (6)B (5)74
First Assur Life of AmericaLAA- (4)B (5)
First Berkshire Hathaway LifeNYA+ (2)C+ (7)
First Catholic Slovak LadiesOHA- (4)
First Catholic Slovak UnionOH
First Command Life Ins CoTXB- (6)
First Health Life & Health InsTXA (3)C+ (7)
First National Life of USANENRC (8)
First Penn-Pacific Life Ins CoINA (3)A- (7)A1 (5)A+ w+ (5)B (5)81
First Reliance Standard LifeNYA+ (2)A+ (5)A- (3)91
First Security Benefit L&A NYNYA- (4)A- (7)A- (7)B (5)59
First Symetra Nat Life Ins NYNYA (3)A (6)A+ (5)B (5)80
First Unum Life Ins CoNYA (3)A (6)A2 (6)A (6)C+ (7)78
Florida Combined Life Ins CoFLA (3)B (5)
Foresters Life Ins & AnnNYA- w (4)C+ (7)
Forethought Life Ins CoINA (3)A- (7)A3 (7)A (6)B (5)74
Forethought National Life InsTXU
Freedom Life Ins Co of AmerTXA- (4)B+ (4)
Funeral Directors Life Ins CoTXA- (4)B- (6)
Garden State Life Ins CoTXA (3)A (2)
GBU Financial LifePAA- (4)
General Re Life CorporationCTA++ (1)AA+ (2)C (8)100
Genworth Life & Ann InsVAB (7)B- (16)B1 (14)B (15)C- (9)49
Genworth Life Ins CoDEC++ (9)B- (16)B3 (16)CCC+C (8)44
Genworth Life Ins Co NYNYC++ (9)B- (16)B3 (16)CCC+C (8)44
Gerber Life Ins CoNYA (3)B+ (4)
Germania Life Ins CoTXB++ (5)C+ (7)
Gleaner Life Ins SocietyMIA- (4)
Globe Life And Acc Ins CoNEA+ (2)AA- (4)A+ (5)C+ (7)91
Globe Life Ins Co of NYNYA+ (2)B- (6)
Golden Rule Ins CoINA (3)AA (3)B (5)89
Government Personnel MutualTXA- (4)B (5)
GPM Health & Life Ins CoWAA- (4)B (5)
Grange Life Ins CoOHA- (4)C+ (7)
Great American Life Insurance CompanyOHA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)B- (6)81
Great Southern Life Ins CoTXA (3)A- (3)
Great Western Ins CoUTA- (4)C- (9)
Great-West Life & AnnCOA+ (2)AA (3)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B- (6)97
Great-West Life & Ann NYNYA+ (2)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B- (6)96
Greater Georgia Life Ins CoGAA (3)B (5)
Greenfields Life Ins CoIANRB (5)
Greenhouse Life Ins CoAZNRU
Guarantee Trust Life Ins CoILA- (4)B (5)
Guaranty Income Life Ins CoIAB++ (5)B (5)
Guardian Ins & Ann Co IncDEA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa2 (3)AA+ (2)B (5)99
Guardian Life Ins Co of AmerNYA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa2 (3)AA+ (2)A (2)99
Guggenheim Life & Ann CoDEA- (4)B- (6)
Hannover Life Reassur AmerFLA+ (2)AA- (4)B+ (4)95
Harleysville Life Ins CoOHA- (4)B (5)
Hartford Life & Acc InsCTA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)C (8)81
HCC Life Ins CoINA++ (1)A+ (5)AA- (4)B (5)92
Heartland National Life Ins CoINNRC+ (7)
Hermann Sons LifeTX
HM Life Ins CoPAA (3)B (5)
HM Life Ins Co NYNYA (3)B (5)
Homesteaders Life CoIAA- (4)B (5)
Horace Mann Life Ins CoILA (3)A (6)A2 (6)A (6)B (5)78
Humana Ins Co of KYKYA- (4)A (6)B+ (4)58
Humana Ins of Puerto Rico IncPRB++ (5)C+ (7)
IA American Life Ins CoTXA (3)C (8)
IdeaLife Ins CoCTA- (4)B- (6)
Illinois Mutual Life Ins CoILA- (4)B+ (4)
Independence Life & Ann CoDEA- (4)C- (9)
Individual Assur Life Hlth & AccOKB+ (6)D+ (10)
Integrity Life Ins CoOHA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B- (6)96
Intramerica Life Ins CoNYB++ (5)B (5)
Investors Growth Life Ins CoAZ
Investors Heritage Life Ins CoKYB+ (6)C- (9)
Investors Life Ins Co of NATXB+ (6)B (5)
Jackson National Life Ins CoMIA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)91
Jackson National Life Ins of NYNYA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)91
Jamestown Life Ins CoVAC+ (7)
Jefferson National Life Ins CoTXA+ (2)C (8)
Jefferson National Life Ins NYNYNRB- (6)
John Hancock Life & Health InsMAA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)AA- (4)B (5)93
John Hancock Life Ins Co (USA)MIA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)AA- (4)B- (6)93
John Hancock Life Ins Co NYNYA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)AA- (4)B (5)93
Kansas City Life Ins CoMOA (3)B (5)
Kentucky Funeral Directors LifeKYA- (4)B- (6)
Kentucky Home Life Ins CoKYC- (9)
Knights of ColumbusCTA+ (2)AA+ (2)98
Lafayette Life Ins CoOHA+ (2)AA- (4)AA (3)B (5)95
Landcar Life Ins CoUTNRU
Landmark Life Ins CoTXB (7)C (8)
Langhorne Re (Arizona) LtdAZNRC (8)
Leaders Life Ins CoOKA (3)B (5)
Legacy Life Ins Co of MissouriMONRU
Lewer Life Ins CoMOB+ (6)C (8)
Liberty Bankers Life Ins CoOKB++ (5)C (8)
Liberty Life Assur of BostonNHA+ (2)AA- (4)B- (6)95
Liberty National Life Ins CoNEA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)91
Life Assur CoOKC- (9)
Life Ins Co of AlabamaALB++ (5)B (5)
Life Ins Co of Boston & NYNYA (3)A- (3)
Life Ins Co of LouisianaLAB+ (6)D (11)
Life Ins Co of SouthwestTXA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)B (5)81
Life Ins of North AmerPAA w (3)A2 (6)A w+ (6)B (5)78
Life of America Ins CoTXNRC (8)
Life of the South Ins CoGAA- (4)C (8)
LifeCare Assur CoAZC (8)
LifeMap Assur CoORA- (4)B- (6)
LifeSecure Ins CoMINRD (11)
LifeShield National Ins CoOKB++ (5)B- (6)
LifeWise Assur CoWAA (3)A (2)
Lincoln Benefit Life CoNEA- (4)BBB w (9)C+ (7)52
Lincoln Heritage Life Ins CoILA- (4)B- (6)
Lincoln Life & Ann Co NYNYA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)91
Lincoln National Life Ins CoINA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)91
Lombard Intl Life Assur CoPAA- (4)E (14)
Lombard Intl Life Assur Co NYNYA- (4)U
London Life Reins CoPAA+ (2)C+ (7)
Loyal American Life Ins CoOHA (3)B- (6)
Lumico Life Ins CoMOA (3)C (8)
Lumico Life Ins Co of New YorkNYA (3)
Madison National Life Ins CoWIA- (4)A- (3)
Manhattan Life Ins CoNYB+ (6)B (5)
Manhattan National Life Ins CoOHB++ (5)B- (6)
ManhattanLife Assur Co of AmerARB+ (6)C (8)
Marquette Indemnity & Life InsAZD+ (10)
Massachusetts Mutual Life InsMAA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa3 (4)AA+ (2)A- (3)98
Medico Corp Life Ins CoIAA- (4)B- (6)
Medico Ins CoIAA- (4)B- (6)
Medico Life & Health Ins CoIAA- (4)C (8)
MEMBERS Life Ins CoIAA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)B (5)81
Merit Life Ins CoINB+ w (6)B- (6)
Metropolitan Life Ins CoNYA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA- (4)B- (6)95
Metropolitan Tower Life Ins CoNEA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA- (4)B- (6)95
Mid-West National Life of TNTXNRB (5)
Midland National Life Ins CoIAA+ (2)A+ (5)A+ (5)B+ (4)89
Midwestern United Life Ins CoINNRA+ w- (5)B (5)
Minnesota Life Ins CoMNA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B+ (4)96
MML Bay State Life Ins CoCTA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa3 (4)AA+ (2)B (5)98
Modern Woodmen of AmericaILA (3)
Monarch Life Ins CoMAE (14)F (16)
Monitor Life Ins Co of NYNYA- (4)B (5)
MONY Life Ins CoNYA+ (2)A+ (5)A1 (5)A+ (5)B- (6)89
MONY Life Ins Co of AmerAZA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)B (5)81
Motorists Life Ins CoOHA- (4)B- (6)
Mountain Life Ins CoTNB+ (6)C- (9)
Multinational Life Ins CoPRB++ (5)C- (9)
Munich American Reassur CoGAA+ (2)AA- (4)C (8)95
Mutual of America Life Ins CoNYA+ (2)A+ (5)AA- (4)B+ (4)92
Mutual of Omaha Ins CoNEA+ (2)A+ (5)A1 (5)B- (6)90
Mutual Savings Life Ins CoALA- (4)B (5)
Mutual Trust Life Ins CoILA (3)A (6)B (5)78
Nassau Life & Ann CoCTB+ (6)BB+ (11)D (11)36
Nassau Life Ins CoNYB+ (6)BB+ (11)D- (12)36
Nassau Life Ins Co of KansasKSB+ (6)D (11)
National Benefit Life Ins CoNYA+ (2)A- (3)
National Farm Life Ins CoTXB++ (5)B (5)
National Foundation Life InsTXA- (4)B+ (4)
National Guardian Life Ins CoWIA- (4)B (5)
National Health Ins CoTXA- (4)C (8)
National Income Life InsNYA+ (2)B+ (4)
National Integrity Life Ins CoNYA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B (5)96
National Life Ins CoVTA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)B- (6)81
National Security Ins CoALB++ (5)B (5)
National Western Life Ins CoCOA (3)A- (7)B- (6)75
Nationwide Life & Ann InsOHA+ (2)A+ (5)A1 (5)C (8)90
Nationwide Life Ins CoOHA+ (2)A+ (5)A1 (5)B- (6)90
Natl Farmers Union Life Ins CoTXB+ (6)B+ (4)
Natl Security Life & AnnNYA- (4)B- (6)
Natl Teachers Assoc Life InsTXA- (4)B (5)
New England Life Ins CoMAA (3)A+ (5)A3 (7)A (6)B (5)78
New Era Life Ins CoTXB++ (5)C (8)
New Era Life Ins Co MidwestTXB++ (5)C+ (7)
New York Life Ins & AnnDEA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aaa (1)AAA (1)B+ (4)100
New York Life Ins CoNYA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aaa (1)AAA (1)A- (3)100
Niagara Life & Health Ins CoNYA+ (2)B (5)
Nippon Life Ins Co of AmerIAA- (4)A- (3)
North American Co for L&HIAA+ (2)A+ (5)A+ (5)B (5)89
North American Ins CoWIB++ (5)B+ (4)
Northwestern Long Term CareWIA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aaa (1)AAA (1)B (5)100
Northwestern Mutual Life InsWIA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aaa (1)AAA (1)B+ (4)100
NTA Life Ins Co of NYNYA- (4)B (5)
NYLIFE Ins Co of ArizonaAZB+ (4)
Occidental Life Ins Co of NCTXA (3)C (8)
Ohio National Life Assur CorpOHA (3)A- (7)A3 (7)B (5)74
Ohio National Life Ins CoOHA (3)A- (7)A3 (7)C+ (7)74
Ohio State Life Ins CoTXNRB- (6)
Old American Ins CoMOA- (4)B- (6)
Old Republic Life Ins CoILB++ (5)B- (6)
Old United Life Ins CoAZA (3)B (5)
Omaha Ins CoNENRB- (6)
Optimum Re Ins CoTXA (3)C+ (7)
Optum Ins of Ohio Inc.OHB (5)
Order of United Comml TrvlrsOHB (7)
OxOxford Life Ins Coford Life Ins CoAZA- (4)B+ (4)
Ozark National Life Ins CoMOA- (4)C (8)
Pacific Beacon Life ReassurHIA (3)
Pacific Guardian Life Ins CoHIA (3)A (6)A- (3)78
Pacific Life & Ann CoAZA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)AA- (4)B+ (4)93
Pacific Life Ins CoNEA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)AA- (4)A- (3)93
PacifiCare Life & Health InsINNRAA- (4)B (5)
Pan-American Assur CoLAA (3)A (6)B+ (4)78
Pan-American Life Ins CoLAA (3)A (6)B (5)78
Pan-American Life Ins Co of PRPRNRB (5)
Park Avenue Life Ins CoDENRB (5)
Parker Centennial Assur CoWIA+ (2)A (2)
PartnerRe Life Reins AmericaARA+ w (2)C (8)
Patriot Life Ins CoMIA (3)B- (6)
Paul Revere Life Ins CoMAA (3)A (6)A2 (6)A (6)C+ (7)78
Pekin Financial Life Ins CoAZ
Pekin Life Ins CoILA- (4)B (5)
Penn Ins & Ann CoDEA+ (2)A+ (5)Aa3 (4)C+ (7)93
Penn Mutual Life Ins CoPAA+ (2)A+ (5)Aa3 (4)B (5)93
Performance Life of AmericaLAA- (4)B- (6)
Philadelphia American Life InsTXB++ (5)B (5)
PHL Variable Ins CoCTB (7)D (11)
Physicians Benefits Trust LifeILC+ (7)
Physicians Life Ins CoNEA (3)A- (3)
Physicians Mutual Ins CoNEA (3)A+ (1)
Pioneer American Ins CoTXA (3)C- (9)
Pioneer Mutual Life Ins CoNDNRB (5)
Pioneer Security Life Ins CoTXA (3)C- (9)
Plateau Ins CoTNA- (4)C (8)
Popular Life RePRB++ (5)B (5)
Preneed Reins Co of AmerAZB (5)
Primerica Life Ins CoTNA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)B (5)93
Principal Life Ins CoIAA+ (2)A+ (5)A1 (5)AA- (4)B+ (4)91
Principal National Life Ins CoIAA+ (2)A+ (5)A1 (5)AA- (4)B (5)91
Professional Ins CoTXB++ (5)C- (9)
Protective Life & Ann InsALA+ (2)AA- (4)A+ (5)C+ (7)91
Protective Life Ins CoTNA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)91
Provident Amer Life & HealthOHA (3)B (5)
Provident Life & AccTNA (3)A (6)A2 (6)A (6)C+ (7)78
Provident Life & CasualtyTNA (3)A (6)B- (6)78
Pruco Life Ins CoAZA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA- (4)C+ (7)95
Pruco Life Ins Co of NJNJA+ (2)AA- (4)AA- (4)B- (6)94
Prudential Annuities Life AssurAZA+ (2)AA- (4)AA- (4)B- (6)94
Prudential Ins Co of AmericaNJA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA- (4)B (5)95
Prudential Legacy Ins Co NJNJNRD+ (10)
Prudential Retirement Ins&AnnCTA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA- (4)B- (6)95
Puritan Life Ins Co of AmerTXB++ (5)C (8)
Regal Reins CoMAU
Reinsurance Co of MissouriMOC (8)
Reliable Life Ins CoMOA- (4)A- (7)A- (7)B- (6)59
Reliance Standard Life Ins CoILA+ (2)A+ (5)A2 (6)C+ (7)87
Reliance Standard Life of TXTXU
ReliaStar Life Ins CoMNA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)A (6)B- (6)80
ReliaStar Life Ins Co of NYNYA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)A (6)B (5)80
Reserve National Ins CoOKA- (4)B- (6)
Resource Life Ins CoILNRU
RGA Reins CoMOA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A (6)B- (6)89
RiverSource Life Ins CoMNA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)C+ (7)95
RiverSource Life Ins Co of NYNYA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)C (8)95
Royal Neighbors of AmericaILA- (4)
S.USA Life Ins CoAZA- (4)B- (6)
Sagicor Life Ins CoTXA- (4)C- (9)
Savings Bank Mutual Life InsMAA (3)A- (7)B+ (4)75
SBLI USA Life Ins CoNYA- (4)B- (6)
SCOR Global Life Americas ReinDEA+ (2)AA- (4)AA- (4)C (8)94
SCOR Global Life Reins Co DEDEA+ (2)AA- (4)C (8)95
SCOR Global Life USA Re CoDEA+ (2)AA- (4)B- (6)95
Securian Life Ins CoMNA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B (5)96
Security Benefit Life Ins CoKSA- (4)A- (7)B (5)55
Security Life of Denver Ins CoCONRA+ w- (5)A3 (7)A w- (6)B- (6)77
Security Mutual Life of NYNYA- (4)C (8)
Sentinel American Life Ins CoTXNRU
Sentinel Security Life Ins CoUTB++ (5)D (11)
Sentry Life Ins CoWIA+ (2)A (2)
Sentry Life Ins Co of New YorkNYA+ (2)B (5)
Settlers Life Ins CoWIA- (4)B (5)
Shelter Life Ins CoMOA (3)B (5)
ShelterPoint Ins CoFLA- (4)B (5)
ShelterPoint Life Ins CoNYA- (4)A- (7)A (2)55
Shenandoah Life Ins CoVAA- (4)B- (6)
Sheridan Life Ins CoOKU
Southern Farm Bureau Life InsMSA+ (2)A (2)
Southern Financial Life Ins CoKYA- (4)C (8)
Southern Financial Life Ins CoLAD+ (10)
Southern Life & Health Ins CoWIU
Southwest Credit Life Inc.NMU
Standard Ins CoORA (3)A+ (5)A1 (5)B+ (4)84
Standard Life & Acc InsTXA (3)A- (7)A- (3)75
Standard Life & Casualty InsUTB (7)D (11)
Standard Life Ins of NYNYA (3)A- (3)
Standard Security Life of NYNYA- (4)B+ (4)
Starmount Life Ins CoMEA- (4)C (8)
State Farm Health Ins CoILU
State Farm Life & Acc Assur CoILA++ (1)AA (3)Aa1 (2)A+ (1)98
State Farm Life Ins CoILA++ (1)AA (3)Aa1 (2)A+ (1)98
State Life Ins CoINA+ (2)AA- (4)B (5)95
Sterling Life Ins CoILNRB- (6)
Structured Ann Reins CoIANRU
Sun Life & Health Ins Co USMIA+ (2)AA (3)D (11)97
Sun Life AssurCNA+ (2)AA (3)Aa3 (4)AA (3)97
Sunset Life Ins Co of AmericaMOA- (4)B- (6)
Supreme Council Royal ArcanumMA
SWBC Life Ins CoTXB++ (5)A- (3)
Swiss Re Life & Health AmericaMOA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)C+ (7)95
Symetra Life Ins CoIAA (3)A (6)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)82
Symetra National Life Ins CoIAA- (3)
Talcott Resolution Int Life ReCTNRU
Talcott Resolution L&A Ins CoCTB++ (5)BBB (9)Baa3 (10)B- (6)48
Talcott Resolution Life Ins CoCTB++ (5)BBB (9)Baa3 (10)C+ (7)48
Teachers Ins & Ann AssocNYA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa1 (2)AAA (1)A+ (1)99
Tennessee Farmers Life Ins CoTNA+ (2)B+ (4)
Tennessee Life Ins CoAZ
Texas Directors Life Ins CoTXB (5)
Texas Life Ins CoTXA+ (2)A+ (5)C+ (7)90
Thrivent Finl for LutheransWIA++ (1)AA+ (2)99
Thrivent Life Ins CoWINRB (5)
TIAA-CREF Life Ins CoNYA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa1 (2)AAA (1)B (5)99
Tier One Ins CoOKNRU
TPM Life Ins CoPANRB (5)
Trans World Assur CoCAB++ (5)B+ (4)
Trans-City Life Ins CoAZA- (4)C- (9)
Trans-Oceanic Life Ins CoPRB++ (5)A- (3)
Transamerica Advisors Life InsARNR
Transamerica Financial LifeNYA (3)A+ (5)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)84
Transamerica Life Ins CoIAA (3)A+ (5)A1 (5)A+ (5)B (5)84
Transamerica Premier Life Ins CoIAA (3)A+ (5)A1 (5)A+ (5)C+ (7)84
Triple-S Blue Inc. I.I.PRB++ (5)D+ (10)
Triple-S Vida Inc.PRB++ (5)B- (6)
Trustmark Ins CoILA- (4)B+ (4)
Trustmark Life Ins CoILA- (4)B+ (4)
Trustmark Life Ins Co of NYNYA- (4)B (5)
U.S. Financial Life Ins CoOHA- w (4)B (5)
UNICARE Life & Health Ins CoINA- (4)B- (6)
Unified Life Ins CoTXB++ (5)B (5)
Unimerica Ins CoWIA (3)B (5)
Unimerica Life Ins Co of NYNYA (3)B- (6)
Union Fidelity Life Ins CoKSNRE (14)
Union Labor Life Ins CoMDA- (4)B (5)
Union National Life Ins CoLAA- (4)A- (7)A- (7)B (5)59
Union Security Ins CoKSB++ (5)A (6)Baa1 w- (8)B (5)53
Union Security Life Ins NYNYB++ (5)C+ (7)
United American Ins CoNEA+ (2)AA- (4)A+ (5)B- (6)91
United Benefit Life Ins CoOHU
United Farm Family Life Ins CoINA (3)A (2)
United Fidelity Life Ins CoTXC (8)
United Heritage Life Ins CoIDB++ (5)B (5)
United Home Life Ins CoINA- (4)B (5)
United Ins Co of AmericaILA- (4)A- (7)A3 (7)A- (7)B- (6)62
United Life Ins CoIAA- (4)B (5)
United National Life of AmerILB++ (5)B (5)
United of Omaha Life Ins CoNEA+ (2)A+ (5)A1 (5)B (5)90
United Security Assur Co of PAPAC- (12)E+ (13)
United States Life Ins of NYNYA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)A+ (5)C+ (7)82
United World Life Ins CoNEA+ (2)A+ (5)B+ (4)91
UnitedHealthcare Ins CoCTA (3)AA (3)A1 (5)AA- (4)C (8)89
UnitedHealthcare Life Ins CoWIA (3)C (8)
Unity Financial Life Ins CoOHB++ (5)C- (9)
Univantage Ins CoUTU
Universal Life Ins CoPRB+ w (6)B+ (4)
Unum Ins CoMEA- (4)A2 (6)A (6)C (8)65
Unum Life Ins Co of AmerMEA (3)A (6)A2 (6)A (6)C+ (7)78
USAA Life Ins CoTXA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa1 (2)A (2)99
USAA Life Ins Co of NYNYA++ (1)AA+ (2)Aa1 (2)B+ (4)99
USAble LifeARA (3)A- (7)A- (3)75
USIC Life Ins CoPRB++ (5)C (8)
Vantis Life Ins CoCTA+ (2)C+ (7)
Vantis Life Ins Co of NYNYA+ (2)B (5)
Variable Ann Life Ins CoTXA (3)A+ (5)A2 (6)A+ (5)B (5)82
Versant Life Ins CoMSA- (4)B- (6)
Voya Retirement Ins & Ann CoCTNRA+ (5)A2 (6)A (6)B+ (4)80
Washington National Ins CoINA- (4)A- (7)A3 (7)A- (7)D+ (10)62
West Coast Life Ins CoNEA+ (2)AA- (4)A1 (5)A+ (5)B- (6)91
Western & Southern Life Ins CoOHA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B (5)96
Western American Life Ins CoTXD+ (10)
Western United Life Assur CoWAB+ (6)B- (6)
Western-Southern Life AssurOHA+ (2)AA- (4)Aa3 (4)AA (3)B (5)96
Westport Life Ins CoAZNR
Wichita National Life Ins CoOKB+ (6)C- (9)
Wilcac Life Ins CoILA+ (2)C (8)
Wilco Life Ins CoINA+ (2)A+ (5)C (8)90
William Penn AssociationPAB++ (5)
William Penn Life Ins Co of NYNYA+ (2)AA- (4)AA- (4)C (8)94
Wilton Reassur CoMNA+ (2)A+ (5)D+ (10)90
Wilton Reassur Life of NYNYA+ (2)A+ (5)C (8)90
Woodmen of the World Life SocNEA+ (2)
Zurich American Life Ins CoILA+ (2)A (6)A3 (7)C- (9)81
Zurich American Life Ins Co NYNYNRC (8)

What are Insurance Company Ratings?

Insurance company financial ratings are assigned by one of five NSRO Certified third-party rating agencies and indicate an insurance company’s financial strength, solvency, and ability to pay policyholder claims.

Life Insurance Company Rating Agencies

Below are the 5 main rating agencies that assign insurance companies financial ratings. When you look at an insurance company rating chart you will see the financial rating assigned by one or all of these rating agencies.

Each of these rating agencies is a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO). The SEC allows NRSROs to offer ratings to insurers that demonstrate the strength of the various insurance companies’ reserves.

These rating agencies have a high standard to live up to, which should give you some peace of mind about your final decision. If you have been evaluating an insurance company’s financial strength you have likely noticed financial ratings vary from rating agency to agency. We created this insurance company financial rating overview to help you more easily evaluate an insurance company’s financial strength.

  • #1. A.M. Best – The only global credit rating agency with a unique focus on the insurance industry. Best’s Credit Ratings, which are issued through A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc., are a recognized indicator of insurers’ financial strength and creditworthiness. You can search for an insurance company’s A.M. Best Rating on this page of the A.M. Best website.
  • #2. S&P Global Ratings – In 28 countries around the world and with a history that dates back more than 150 years, S&P Global Ratings provides high-quality market intelligence in the form of credit ratings, research, and thought leadership. S&P Global Ratings has rated over 1,000 insurers; you can search the complete list at
  • #3. Moody’s – Moody is an essential component of the global capital markets, providing credit ratings, research, tools, and analysis that contribute to transparent and integrated financial markets. Visit Moody’s to learn more about their insurance industry ratings and market research.
  • #4. Fitch Ratings  –  A Global Leader in financial information services with operations in 30 countries. Visit Fitch’s Insurance rating page on their website to read a comprehensive explanation of their rating process.
  • #5. Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC  –  Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC, and its affiliates (KBRA) is a global full-service rating agency with a mission to set a standard of excellence and integrity. Established in 2010, KBRA remains dedicated to the restoration of trust in credit ratings by creating new standards for assessing risk and by offering timely and transparent ratings.

The last established NSRA Insurance Company Rating Agencies and we would put the least amount of importance on their rating.

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Life Insurance Company Ratings Chart

Each of these rating agencies uses its own proprietary scale to rate an insurance company. Their rating refers only to the financial strength of the insurance company and is not a recommendation for an annuity product. 

This insurance company rating chart outlines each of these six rating agencies’ letter grade rating scales and their meaning.

Possible RatingsA.M. BestStandard & Poor'sMoody'sFitch Ratings
SuperiorExtremely StrongExceptionalExceptionally Strong
SuperiorVery StrongExcellentVery Strong
ExcellentVery StrongExcellentVery Strong
ExcellentVery StrongExcellentVery Strong
WeakMarginalQuestionableModerately Weak
WeakMarginalQuestionableModerately Weak
PoorMarginalQuestionableModerately Weak
Under SupervisionWeakPoorWeak
In LiquidationWeakPoorWeak
Very WeakVery PoorVery Weak
Very WeakVery PoorVery Weak
Very WeakVery PoorVery Weak
Extremely WeakExtremely PoorExtremely Weak

Possible Insurance Company Ratings

Insurance Company Ratings Chart Showing Potential Ratings

In addition to the four agencies covered above you may also come across financial ratings issued by KBRA or Weiss. The table below lists the 5 highest potential ratings from all 6 of the potential rating agencies. As you can see the financial ratings vary a fair amount.

For example, the fifth-highest rating from A.M. Best is a B++ while the 5th highest rating assigned by Fitch and KBRA is an A+ while KBRA’s fifth-highest rating is a B+.

Comdex Score

The Comdex Score is not a rating, but a composite of all the ratings a company has received. It ranks companies on a scale of 1 to 100, showing you at a glance where a company is ranked among all rated insurers.

In order to take those reviews from A.M. Best, Moody’s, Fitch, Weiss, and Standard & Poor’s and put them all on a level playing field, the Comdex was born.

The idea here is to take a sort of ‘average’ number, then find out where the carrier ranks among the others based on that ‘average.’

Composite Index

Comdex stands for composite index; rightly so, as Comdex compiles the scores from the four major credit raters, presenting you with a composite score of all the evaluations a life insurance company has available.

It then puts each company into one single, 100-point scale. This method, in essence, creates a percentile in which to place each company.

The higher the percentile, the higher the company’s overall rankings among the other private rating companies.

As an example, an insurer with a 97 Comdex Score is in the 97th percentile of all ranked companies, or put another way, has financial strength superior to 97% of ranked companies. Many insurance seekers find it far simpler to look at a score on a scale of 1-100 than to try to understand four or five different rating scales and their methodology.

An insurance company's financial rating is an opinion (not a fact) and is issued by an independent agency. An insurance company credit rating indicates an insurance company's financial strength, solvency, and ability to pay policyholder claims. Each rating agency has its own rating scale so the same insurance company can receive different ratings among the four agencies. An insurance company rating chart may not include a rating from every agency.

A.M. Best Ratings Scale

A.M. Best is the most widely accepted rating agency. Many insurance company rating charts have only one financial rating assigned; when that is the case, almost always it is assigned by A.M. Best.

AM Best is the leading provider of insurance company ratings, news, analysis, and financial information for the Life/Annuity insurance industry. Best’s Credit Ratings are independent opinions regarding the creditworthiness of an issuer or debt obligation.

An A.M. Best rating is more than a balance sheet strength assessment and includes valuations of operating performance.

The economy and related economic cycles drive the level of life insurance and annuity activity, revenue, and income. 

Typical business dynamics such as competition, consumer demands, and regulatory changes combined with economic forces have resulted in significant changes in the life and annuity insurance industry with changing risk profiles, market participants, and products.

A.M. Best’s Credit Ratings are based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company’s balance sheet strength, operating performance, business profile, and enterprise risk management or, where appropriate, the specific nature and details of debt security.

Understanding the Best Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR)

The BCAR depicts the quantitative relationship between a rating unit’s balance sheet strength and its key financial risks that could impact such strength. As the foundation of financial security, balance sheet strength is critical to the determination of a rating unit’s ability to meet its current and ongoing obligations.

By establishing a guideline for the net required capital needed to support balance sheet strength, BCAR can assist analysts in differentiating among the financial strength of insurers and in determining whether a rating unit’s capitalization is appropriate for its risk profile. 

The analysis of BCAR alone does not decide the balance sheet strength assessment. Other factors that can impact the balance sheet strength analysis include:

    •  liquidity
    • quality of capital 
    • dependence on reinsurance
    • quality and appropriateness of reinsurance
    • asset/liability matching reserve adequacy
    • stress tests
    • internal capital models
    • the actions or financial condition of an affiliate and/or holding company 

Similarly, a rating is more than a balance sheet strength assessment and includes evaluations of a rating unit’s operating performance, business profile, and enterprise risk management.

Understanding AM Best Financial Rating Process BCAR Illustration

The BCAR model calculates a rating unit’s net required capital at different confidence levels, resulting in a BCAR score for each of these levels. Since the difference between a rating unit’s available capital and its net required capital is expressed as a ratio to available capital, a BCAR score expresses the extent of the excess or shortfall as a percentage of available capital. 

A positive score at a particular confidence interval indicates the rating unit’s available capital is in excess of its net required capital, whereas a negative score indicates the rating unit’s available capital has fallen short of its net required capital. State Guaranty Associations are in place should an insurer become insolvent.

Tips for Picking a Top Rated Annuity Company

Below are 3 helpful items to look for when trying to make sense of an insurance company’s ratings.

1. Comdex Score:

The Comdex gives you a quick summary of a carrier’s ratings and shows you how they stack up. If you see a score in the 80s that is typically a high-rated annuity company. For instance, a Comdex Score of 85 means the annuity company is rated in the top 85% of all rated annuity companies.

2. Numerical Equivalent

A number in parenthesis next to each rating quickly tells you where that rating fits on the scale for that rating service. A+ (2) tells you this is the second-best rating for AM Best.

3. A.M. Best Rating

A.M. Best is by far the gold standard when it comes to insurance company rating agencies so when in doubt it doesn’t hurt to default to their rating when evaluating potential insurance companies. In general, an AM Best rating of A- or better indicates a financially solid insurance company.

Highest Rated Annuity Companies

A+ ( Top Rated) Annuity Companies

Pacific Life Insurance Company Rating
700 Newport Center Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A+ (2)
Moody's (21 possible ratings)A1 (5)
Fitch (21 possible ratings)AA- (4)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)AA- (4)
Comdex (percentile of all rating companies)93
Allianz LifeRating
5701 Golden Hills Dr., Minneapolis, MN 55416
A.M. Best RatingA+
Moody's (21 rankings)A1 (5)
Comdex (percentile of all rated companies)94
Standard & Poor's (20 Possible Ratings)AA (3)
North American Company for Life and Health InsuranceRating
Mailing AddressP.O. Box 79905, Des Moines, IA 50325-0905
A.M. Best Rating (15 Possible Ratings)A+
Fitch Ratings (Financial Strength, 21 Ratings)A+ (5)
Comdex Score (Percentile of All Rated Companies)89
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)A+ (5)
Nationwide Life & Annuity CompanyRating
One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH 43215
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A+ (2)
Moody's (21 possible ratings)A1 (5)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)A+ (5)
Comdex (percentile of all rating companies)90
Lincoln Financial GroupRating
1300 South Clinton St., Fort Wayne, IN 46802
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A+ (2)
Moody's (21 possible ratings)A1 (5)
Fitch (21 possible ratings)A+ (5)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)AA- (4)
Comdex (percentile of all rating companies)90

A Rated Annuity Companies

Athene Financial RatingsRating
7700 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA 50266
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A (3)
Fitch Ratings (21 possible)A (6)
Comdex (percentile of all rating companies)78
Standard & Poor's (20 possible ratings)A (6)
Global Atlantic Financial Group Rating
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A (3)
Moody's (21 possible ratings)A3 (7)
Fitch (21 possible ratings)A (6)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)A- (7)
Comdex (percentile of all rating companies)75
Great American Life Insurance CompanyRating
301 E Fourth St., Cincinnati, OH 45202
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A+ (2)
Moody's (21 possible ratings)A2 (6)
Standard & Poor's (20 possible ratings)A+ (5)
Comdex (percentile of all rated companies)82
American National Insurance Company (ANICO)Rating
A.M. Best Company (Best's Ratings, 15 Ratings)A (3)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)A (6)
Comdex Ranking (Percentile in Rated Companies)79
Assets to Liabilities Ratio120.59%
American General Life Insurance CompanyRating
A.M. Best Company (Best's Ratings, 15 Ratings)A (3)
Moody's (Financial Strength, 21 Ratings)A2 (6)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)A+ (5)
Fitch Ratings (Financial Strength, 21 Ratings)A+ (5)
Weiss (Safety Rating, 16 Ratings)B (5)
Comdex Ranking (Percentile in Rated Companies)82
Jackson National Life Insurance CompanyRating
1 Corporate Way, Lansing, MI 48951
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A (3)
Moody's (21 possible ratings)A1 (5)
Fitch (21 possible ratings)A+ (5)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)A+ (5)
Comdex (percentile of all rating companies)84

A- Rated Annuity Companies

American EquityRating
6000 Westown Pkwy, West Des Moines, IA 50266
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A- (4)
Fitch (21 possible ratings)A- (7)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)A- (7)
Comdex (percentile of all rating companies)60
Oxford Life Insurance Company
Group AffiliationOxford Group
Home Office Phone Number602-263-6666
Mailing Address2721 North Central Avenue
Phoenix AZ 85004-1172
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)A- (6th)
Weiss(Safety Rating, 16 ratings)B+ (4)
Assets to Liabilities110.20%
InsurerGuggenheim Life and Annuity
Mailing Address401 Pennsylvania Parkway, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46280
Group AffiliationGroup 1001
A.M. Best RatingA-
State of DomicileDeleware
NAIC Company Code 83607
WebsiteGuggenheim Life and Annuity Website

B++ Rated Annuity Companies

Guaranty Income Life Insurance CompanyRatings
Mailing Address 2638 S Sherwood Forest Blvd, Suite 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Group AffiliationKuvare US Group
A.M. Best RatingA-
State of DomicileIowa
NAIC Company Code 64238
Assets to Liabilities Ratio134.15%
EquiTrust Life Insurance CompanyRating
A.M. Best Company (Best's Ratings, 15 Ratings)B++(6)
Standard & Poor's (Financial Strength, 20 Ratings)BBB+(6)
Comdex Ranking (Percentile in Rated Companies)41
Assets to Liabilities Ratio106.29%
Atlantic Coast Life Insurance CompanyRatings
Group AffiliationAdvantage Capital Group
A.M. Best RatingB++
State of DomicileSouth Carolina
NAIC Company Code 61115
Upstream Life Insurance Company
Mailing Address265 North Lamar Blvd, Suite A, Oxford, MS 38655
A.M. Best Rating (15 possible ratings)B (7th)
Assets to Liabilities178%

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